About Me

Let me introduce myself, I’m Tammy.  I’m the writer and creator of Inspired Home Style and Housing A Forest.

Inspired Home Style I’m a mom to 3 wonderful school aged kiddos (ages 8, 9 and 11).  I am married to my best friend for almost 15 years, and loving it.  Seriously as I write this, I am mentally calculating the years…can it really be that long?  Wow time files.  I am so blessed to have supportive hubby.  He doesn’t even bat an eye when I share one of my crazy ideas.  By now he has learned it is better to just go along with what ever it is.  Plus he is willing to try just about anything once!  I love that about him.

One project at a time we are turning our house into a home.

I will be sharing the crazy adventure of buying our house later, and let me tell you it was an adventure.  But for now, here are a few funny quirks that made us fall in love with it.  OK we didn’t fall in love with everything about the house, but that was part of the adventure!

  • Our house was vacant for 15 years before we bought it…yep you read right…15 years of neglect!  Anything that you can imagine needing work on…probably has been fixed or at least added to a to-do list.  The neighbors fondly referred to the house as the “junk house”.
  • There were a number of cars stacked…yes on top of each other…in the garage.  My favorite part was, there were actually plants growing out the top car.  Seriously how does that even happen?
  • We have remodeled every room in our house at least once.  i am so thankful that my hubby is a contractor.  He has some mad skills that I know nothing about!
  • More than once we have had to wash dishes in our bathtub because our kitchen was being reworked on.
  • When we first moved into our house, our son was curious about monsters.  We spent a few night reassuring him that everything was safe and no monsters were going to get him.  At the same time, Chuck was redoing the exterior siding and adding a layer of insulation.  When our house was fully covered with insulation and  pink from top to bottom… we encouraged him that Dad was “monster proofing” the house.  Guess what it worked.  No more questions about monsters.  Love that!

Where Else Can I Find Inspired Home Style?

I love connecting with my readers, and I especially love comments.  Please feel free to share your constructive thoughts, I would love to connect with you.  Below are a few of my favorite ways.  Since I have manage 2 blogs you may notice that the name Housing A Forest keeps coming up.  No worries, that is me too.

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Thanks for stopping by and I look forward to connecting with you!

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